The FLIFI is the discussion platform aimed at launching a high-level dialogue with Ukrainian authorities in order to further develop the financial sector of Ukraine. The FLIFI operates under the umbrella of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine. The FLIFI focuses on using intellectual developments, based on international experience, and acts according to international standards organizations of the global business community. The mission is to promote and implement international best practices of management and supervision for the Ukrainian financial market.

  • Developing a stable and transparent Ukrainian financial services system oriented towards Western values.
  • Representation to state authorities the interests of the Members with respect to financial matters significantly impacting the further development of the market.
  • Protection of the Members’ interests, ensuring legal guarantees of their activities by means of discussing the ongoing issues and problems of the banking sector in Ukraine, elaboration of the proposals and draft laws aimed at development of the banking sector, etc.
  • Facilitating formation of legal and regulatory basis for financial services in Ukraine.
  • Establishing and maintaining relationships with leading market players, relevant associations for the purpose of accessing relevant expertise and international best practices in the financial services sector.
  • Facilitating press-relationships on matters pertaining to the activities and viewpoints of the FLIFI.
  • Improving professional skills and practice of mangers and specialists by means of organizing trainings, conferences, seminars, etc.

To embark upon a value added high-level policy dialogue with relevant authorities in order to further develop the financial sector enabling the economy to grow and develop for the benefit of Ukraine and its people.

PRINCIPLES Legitimacy, independence, transparency and autonomy of all Members of the FLIFI. Credence and mutual assistance of the Members in achieving of the objectives of the FLIFI. Non-interference with the business activity by the FLIFI or by other Members.
  • FLIFI represents leading international financial institutions that invest and operate in Ukraine.
  • FLIFI cooperates with IFIs (EBRD, IFC, IMF, World Bank, etc.), relevant diplomatic missions as well as builds relationships with the Ukrainian regulators and policy makers.
  • FLIFI acts and is governed in accordance with international standards of organizations that advocate for their members.
  • FLIFI focuses more on “think tank” activities based on international experience.